Saturday, January 28, 2012


Friday after school the cabin at Rolli looked warm and inviting with the its line of lights lit up on the snowy afternoon.  Fishing as the snow falls always puts a smile on my face.
 Catching a fish would have helped too.
 I love having a Saturday with no pressing matters.
 Heat up the pole barn and putter around out side.  I blocked up a few loads of fire wood and wandered down to the hoop house to water the spinach, 34* outside and 90*  inside.

With a free afternoon we drove up the valley to take some pictures of Susie's favorite subjects.  The Blue Eyed Paint and his friends. He fed close to the stream that was loaded with water cress, the green grass poked up along the bank of the stream.
But another band of ponies was on top of the ridge.  So, after a brisk hike up a steep hill that over looked the meandering trout stream we reach the 15 horses feeding on top of the hill. 
The paint that Susie was after wasn't cooperating but his buddies were quiet friendly.

Back home for a sunset walk with the dogs and then inside for some coco with honey, cinnamon and hot pepper flakes.

new stuff

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