Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Roof Roof - Week three

 The garden shed is going to need a little TLC
 The virginia creeper has taken over the out house...
I'm sure there is a stash of tp in a folgers can in there some where.
 some of these wooden shakes still have a little life in them.... maybe as fire starters.
 I've been known to salvage some things.  I sure am glad I didn't throw these glass panes away
15 years ago.  I might need one of them.
Sparkes were flying as I cut the tin I salvaged for the roof, last week.
The weather vane that was mounted on Jim and Joyces garage for years still adorns the peak of the shed.
I'll clean the vines off so it'll spin.
but, I'll leave the lichens 
A late March arial view of the lower gardens.
for a little perspective and comparison of what's to come.

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Week Two - Saturday

I hit the gravel on my return trip from picking up the trail camera.
Clear roads North to South.  Other than beer cans.
So, I did a little roadside clean-up.
Glad to see that the kids of Jackson Co. are still learning the fine art of shot gunning bush light.
Shop time involved sorting nails, cleaning more hives, repairing frames and building my own dual hohrner hormonica bagpipe.
Netflix and chill - Tiger King  WTF

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Week Two - Friday

 Jace removed siding
Adn I had my own project 
 You're looking at the new roof for the garden shed.
 With our work done we gave the chickens a few snacks
 and checked in on the bees
 Next project, getting the lane cleaned up before the rains come tonight.
 yep,  this is what's in my pocket.
 Black beans
 and fixings.
bake at 450 *

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Week Two - Thursday

 Dubuque Day - New mural?
 picked up about 3 dozen cigarette butts in the alley
 Susie trimmed up the clamatis and mulched
I layed down a small brick pad with the bricks that Luke's mom brought up.

In about a month we'll have some spring flowers.

Week Two - Wednesday

 Last sap run of the year.
Jace and Josh built this sap platform that holds about 80 gallons.
 We tipped the tank and got about 30 gallons of sap 
 Transfer tank pulled into place at Jace's Sugar Shack.
 After a little fishing and cat care.  I tuned up the mower and the tiller.  After the rains that are scheduled to come this weekend things are going to green up in a hurry.
Think Spring.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Week Two - Tuesday.

 Today I had to restock the wood pile
 It beats a gym membership... cut it, carry it up hill,  load it in the truck,
unload it... chop it and stack it.
 Hit the break room.  This is the first time in a long time that I've had and taken the time to read for pleasure.  Break is over.
 Roll the compost pile

 We took a drive down to Green Island just to get out of the house
Not as  many birds on the refuge as I  had hoped. Some ducks, geese, a swan and pelacans off in the distance.  maybe next time 
 After cleaning a few hives and hand tilling a small patch I raked out the edge of lane.
Jerry helped out.

Monday, March 23, 2020

Week Two - Monday.

We woke up to a dusting of snow covering the ground this morning
 By the time I went to Maquoketa and made it to the stream most of the snow had melted.
Catching a couple nice browns made my day