Friday, February 14, 2014

Love Is In The Air!

 Happy Valentines  Day to one and all and especially to the LOVE of my life Susie! gearing up for another spring of making that sweet maple syrup. Continue to check back regularly to see weather updates for our area, as well as regular updates on how our sap run is progressing.  Short and long term weather forecasts are one of a syrup producer's best tools to help them prepare for a sap run. Cold nights below freezing with daytime temps above freezing will always get that sap moving. In addition, a falling barometric pressure that accompanies an approaching storm will also increase the local sap run.   Weather conditions in our area look favorable for the rest of the month, but there are several days in the forecast that will be over 32 degrees. For larger operations I would suggest to start getting your equipment ready, as I think the start to the 2014 season may be as early as this weeekend. For small producers, my best suggestions is, as always, to tap just one or two trees and then watch and wait - when they start to let loose, tap the rest of them.

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