Saturday, November 5, 2022

To the Artic Circle and Beyond

After many, many miles we we're so excited to finely make it to the artic circle

The Dalton Highway runs 414 miles up to Prudhoe Bay and was built to aid in pipeline construction.
Beau was doing his part
We camped at Marion Creek and talked to the warden about shed hunting.
The next day we traveled north over the Atigun Pass elev. 4739 ft.
and as far north as the field station
We fished

on the return trip back to camp we panned for gold 

I uploaded this pic to show where we looked for caribou sheds on the  Chandalar shelf
We hiked the tundra just past the air strip and it wasn't long before Beau was on the run.
We couldn't believe it when he pulled this beautiful deadhead from the brush.
Back to camp to celebrate the find and our time on the Dempster
We had a great camp for our last on the Dalton overlooking a beaver pond.
It was a cool night North of the artic circle 28* F. 
 Tara enjoyed hot ass as we sat by the fire
and we killed the rabbit.


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