Saturday's project was to install a package of bees at home. It goes much quicker and easier each time. Tuesday my student Josh and I installed a package in just a matter of minutes, outside my classroom while the rest of the class watched form inside the greenhouse.
Shake Out Method:
Step 2. Remove the card board top cover from the shipping package with your hive tool or knife (the cardboard cover is there to hold in the can of sugar syrup, not to keep the Bees in place, Bees will not come out when the card board cover is removed)
Step 3. Pick the package up and sharply knock it on the ground to knock the Bees off the sides and top
Step 4. Using a knife or other tool, pry up and remove the can of Sugar Syrup from the Package
Step 5. Remove the caged Queen from the package (the Queen cage is shipped with either a strip of aluminum or wire attached to it so that it can be attached to a frame within the hive. DO NOT remove the wire or strip)
Step 6. Remove the Cork from the end of the Queen Cage and using a bit of marshmallow to block her in. The candy which will aid the workers both inside the Queen cage and outside eat through the candy to release the Queen.
Step 7. Using duct tape securely attach the Queen Cage to the frame which was previously removed with the mesh screen facing outwards between frames. Place an empty super on top to contain the bees once you shake them over the Queen
Step 8. Wet the bees down again with another application of sugar water. Turn the package over with the opening directly over the top of the hive. Shake the Bees out of the Shipping Package directly into the frames.