Beau and I left Colorado Springs on the Eastern slope by way of Buni Vista. We crossed the continental divide at Independence pass
We had a herd of 7 big horn sheep cross the road on our way up the pass

We managed to fined a parking spot at the trail head and we were off. With about 30 lbs of gear in our packs
Bear country! We got our over night camping permit on line. The hike was about 8 miles in to the hot springs on a well marked trail with waterfall.s, wild flowers and stream crossings
Silver dollar pond
One of the split log river crossings
Beau made it look easy and it was.
But about 2 miles from the hot spring their was another stream crossing which you have to roll up your pants and ford a fast flowing stream.
About seven miles in was out camp site #19
Still some snow at our site but #'s 7 and 8 were totally snowed in.
After making camp we had another mile to hike with out our packs to reach the hot spring.
There were about a dozen other people at the spring. 5 guys who had been camping for several days a few gals who were hiking the pass a couple from denver and some raft guides who were doing a day trip.
Water temp was just a little over 100*F
We hung out for several hours before heading back to camp. next time I would choose a closer camp site if there were any available.
This crew was taking off with very little gear and no lights so I gave them mine tor the hike back.
They should make it back about 9:30 or ten. Cold, wet and dark
By 7:00 am the next moring the temp was 28*F
30 lbs time to head back .... We averaged about 2 MPH for the return trip.