Rolled into Santa Fe with time for an evening bike ride. Santa Fe is an ideal bicycling environment due to its compact size, moderate terrian, and pleasant weather. Once we tracked down the bike trail, we started coasting down a trail and as we came around the corner we found a three foot long snake laying across the trail.
As we toured the SW I kept my eyes pealed for Volkswagens Buses. All of the buses I saw were 80's or newer. But this was a 83 that we came across at the Santa Fe Flea Market.
Santa Fe has many great museums and galleries One that we really enjoyed was the Folk Art Museum and we just missed the annual International Folk Art Market by about two days.
Great costume, and lots of great ideas.
Most impressive sculpture in front of the Native American Museum”
Lots of info and displays on Georgia O'Keeffe in the museum.

When we weren't checking out one of the many museums The Plaza is an unexpected and tranquil location for people watching and an impromptu car show.
Susie checks out the paint job on this low rider.
Great looking pick-up at the Silver Spur, on old route 66.
Hot little bug purred like a kitten.