We've been blasted with some hot weather the last week. So, Marty and I have been up early in order to beat the heat.
We just finished up working up on the scaffolding, replacing the old windows at our friends Jerry and Gails
Jerry and Gail took Mart and Joan, Sue and I out on the Mississippi in their pontoon boat to celebrate the completion on the job.
Susie and I made a 24 hour trip up to Milwaukee to see her dad, Kendo.
Lots of dinner conversation about our trip to Maui.
I think we all would like to head back soon.

Ken and Joan took us out to Spanky's Hideaway where we enjoyed a fish fry and the world/wisconsin famous Spanky burger and a glass of spotted cow beer from New Glarus Wisconsin.
A quaint little brewery nestled on the outskirts of New Glarus, Wisconsin. You know you're in Wisconsin when you see the Spotted Cow. Cheers!
There's always some thing going on in Milwaukee. Today we had our choice of hitting Germanfest down at the lake front or the Brady Street Festival. We've always liked Brady Street.
In the 1960s, Brady Street became Milwaukee's very own "Haight-Ashbury" complete with flower children, peace and love, underground political publications and the infamous hippiefest known as Brady Street Days.
Today it is still known for its diversity with a unique mix of specialty retail shops, ethnic cuisine, cool coffee shops, chic salons and a vibrant nightlife.
Division BMX caught some Big Air!
It looked like a blast!
The Spanish introduced horses to North America as they explored the American continents. Eventually, as these horses found their way into the lives of Indians and were traded to other tribes, their use spread until most of the Native American populations in the Northwest were mounted (about 1710).
The Nez Perce of Washington, Oregon and Idaho became especially sophisticated horsemen, and their mounts, which included many spotted individuals, were prized and envied by other tribes. Historians believe they were the first tribe to breed selectively for specific traits - intelligence and speed - keeping the best, and trading away those that were less desirable.
During the Nez Perce War of the late 1800's, Appaloosa horses helped the Nez Perce avoid battles and elude the U.S. Cavalry for several months. The tribe fled over 1,300 miles of rugged, punishing terrain under the guidance of the famed Chief Joseph. When they were defeated in Montana, their surviving horses were surrendered to soldiers, left behind or dispersed to settlers.
Heading to Colorado on Monday for some Mountain time. more later