The word cyclical means to go in cycles. Pair it up with nature and you are looking at patterns and developments that re-occur on a regular basis in nature. For example the life CYCLE of a plant is the same over and over with other plants of the same species. "The emergence of periodical cicadas or 17-year locusts of the genus Magicicada has been observed in the eastern woodland areas of the United States since 1633 or 1634 when the Pilgrims of Plymouth Colony first encountered them.
It's been near 17 years since my friend ronbo has ventured across the big river from his home in Galena, Illinois.
We hit the timber near my home and then we ventured cross country to marty's
Marty has his wood up for the year. looks like about six cords. wood pile envy.
Time to sit back in the summer kitchen while ronbo takes in all that joanie and mart have been up to.
like the new garden shed.
Down the road and over into the next valley to chappyland, to say hi to max and clarence.
A few sprinkles on the pond and some time for a few casts.
Then over to check out the new sod job around the cabin.
Ronbo admiring the cottonwood while mart heads up the stairs to the deck.
There are six species of periodical cicadas, three with a 17-year cycle and three with a 13-year cycle. Some American Indians thought their periodic appearance had an evil significance.
I don't know about that but i hope i don't have to wait another decade for the moral mushroom migration of uncle yummy.