The Shot .50
A rebutal by the dubuque co. kid
The blustery afternoon in Jackson county wasn’t the first time the paths of young Becker from Buchanan and Donovan of Dubuque crossed. T’was in the year of 84 or possibly 85 when they found themselves directly across from each other in the kitchen of a house on Olive street in Cedar Falls.
Jordan Baker, F Scott Fitzgerald’s character in the Great Gatsby said, “big parties are the most intimate.” By Jordan’s standard, the shindig on Olive was intimate indeed. As happens when young women and men are gathered in the presence of adult libations, every room in the house was full of small conversations.
As one conversation involving the young man who would latter be known as the Bernard Bullet ended for the need of refreshment, he scanned his surroundings and zeroed in on the lad from Buchanan County standing fifteen feet away deep in conversation with a girl from his astronomy class. As Becker explained how the constellation Ursa Major was place in the heavens after Zeus first laid eyes on a young nymph named Callisto, Donovan glance to the counter on his left and noticed a bright pink Frito Bandito eraser.
With a jolt, Becker’s head came up. Not looking happy, he first looked left, and then rotated right until coming upon the glace of Donovan from across the room. Smiles were exchanged, and like the blustery afternoon in Jackson County, not a word was spoken, there was no need.